1.Hayek, Sensory Order, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1952.
2.Hayek, The Counter-Revolution of Science, Glencoe: Free Press, 1952.
3.Hayek, Studies in Philosophy, Politics and Economics, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1967.
4.Hayek, New Studies in Philosophy, Politics, Economics and the History of Ideas, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1978.
1.F. Machlup, ed. Essays on Hayek(《哈耶克研究论文集》),London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1977.
2.S. Kresge and L. Wenar, ed. Hayek on Hayek: An Autobiographical Dialogue(《哈耶克论哈耶克》),London and New York: Routledge, 1994.
3.Arthur Seldon, Agenda for a Free Society: Essays on Hayek's The Constitution of Liberty(《自由社会的议程:有关哈耶克(自由秩序原理)的论文集》),Hutchinson of London, 1961.
4.Streissler, et al., ed. Roads to Freedom: Essays in Honour of F. A. Hayek(《通往自由之路:哈耶克纪念文集》),London: Routledge, 1969.
5.M. Sandel, ed. Liberalism and Its Critics(《自由主义以及对它的批判》),Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1984.
6.A. Arblaster, The Rise and Decline of Western Liberalism(《西方自由主义的兴衰》),Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1985.
7.John Gray, Liberalism(《自由主义》),Milton Keynes: Open Press, 1986.——Hayek on Liberty(《哈耶克论自由》),Oxford: Basil Blachwell, 1984.
8.N. Barry, Hayek's Social and Economic Philosophy(《哈耶克的社会哲学和经济哲学》),London: Macmillan, 1979.——On Classical Liberalism and Libertarianism(《论古典自由主义与极端自由论》),London: Macmillan, 1986.
9.B. M. Rowland, Ordered Liberty and the Constitutional Framework: The Political Thought of F. A. Hayek(《有序的自由与宪政框架:哈耶克的政治思想》),Greenwood Press, 1987.
10.R. Butler, Hayek: His Contribution to the Political and Economic Thought of Our Time(《哈耶克:他对我们这个时代的政治思想和经济思想的贡献》),London: Temple Smith, 1983.
11.B. L. Crowley, The Self, the Individual, and the Community: Liberalism in the Political Thought of F. A. Hayek and Sidney and Beatrice Webb(《自我、个人和社群:哈耶克、席奈和韦伯政治思想中的自由主义》),Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987.
12.H. Gissurarson, Hayek's Conservative Liberalism(《哈耶克的保守主义自由论》),New York: Garland, 1987.
13.C. Kukathas, Hayek and Modern Liberalism(《哈耶克与现代自由主义》),Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989.
14.J. Tomlinson, Hayek and the Market(《哈耶克与市场》),London: Pluto, 1990.
15.J. C. Wood and R. N. Woods, ed. F. A. Hayek: Critical Assessments(《哈耶克:批判性评述》四卷本),London and New York: Routledge, 1991.
16.J. Birner and R. van Zijp, ed. Hayek, Coordination and Evolution(《哈耶克,协调和进化》),London: Routledge, 1994.
17.R. Kley, Hayek's Social and Political Thought(《哈耶克的社会思想和政治思想》),Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994.
18.M. Colona and H. Hageman, The Economics of Hayek, Glencoe: Free Press, Vol. 1: Money and Business Cycles(《哈耶克的经济学,第一卷:货币与商业循环》),Hants.: Edward Elgar, 1994.
19.Chris M. Sciabarra, Marx, Hayek, and Utopia(《马克思,哈耶克和乌托邦》),State University of New York Press, 1995.
20.S. Frowen, ed. Hayek the Economist and Social Philosopher: A Critical Retrospect(《作为经济学家和社会哲学家的哈耶克:一种批判性考察》),London: Macmillan, 1995.
21.S. Fleetwood, Hayek's Political Economy: The socio-economics of order(《哈耶克的政治经济学:社会经济秩序》),London and New York: Routledge, 1995.
22.J. Shearmur, Hayek and after: Hayekian Liberalism as a Research Programme(《哈耶克及其以后:作为一种研究纲领的哈耶克式自由主义》),London and New York: Routledge, 1996.
23.Andrew Gamble, Hayek: The Iron Cage of Liberty(《自由的铁笼》),Westview Press, 1996.
24.Gerald P. O'Driscoll, Jr. And Mario J. Rizzo, The Economics of Time and Ignorance(《时间与无知的经济学》),London and New York: Routledge, 1996.
25.Peter J. Boettke, ed. The Legacy of Friedrich von Hayek(《哈耶克的思想遗产》三卷本),Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 1999.