1 劳里:《记忆传授人》(The Giver),郑荣珍译,河北教育出版社2009年版。
2 林贤治编:《烙印:“可以教育好的子女”的集体记忆》,花城出版社2010年版。
3 Simon Schama,Citizens:A Chronicle of the French Revolution,New York: Knoph,1989,pp. 827-828.
4 Herman R. van Gunsteren,“Neo-Republican Citizenship and Education,”Government and Opposition,31 (1996): pp. 77-99.
5 Jacques Ellul,Propaganda: The Formation of Men’s Attitudes,New York: Alfred A. Knopf,1965,pp. 11-12 .
6 Plutarch,Life of Solon 22.1.
1 Ernest Barker,The Politics of Aristotle,Oxford: Clarendon Press,1946,p. 92.
2 T. H. Marshall,Class,Citizenship,and Social Development,Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1977,p. 101.
3 Ibid. ,p. 93.
4 Thomas Pangle,Leo Strauss: An Introduction to His Thought and Intellectual Legacy,Baltimore,M.D.: The Johns Hopkins University Press,2006,p. 94.
5 Charles E. Merriam,The Meaning of Citizens,Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1931,pp. 1-26 .
6 Kenneth L. Deutsch,“Leo Strauss,the Straussians,and the American Regime,”in Kenneth L. Deutsch and John A. Murley,eds.,Leo Strauss,the Straussians,and the American Regime,Lanham,Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,1999,p. 51.
7 Larry Arnhart,“Roger Masters: Natural Right and Biology,”in Kenneth L. Deutsch and John A. Murley,eds.,Leo Strauss,the Straussians,and the American Regime,pp. 296-297 .
8 Elizabeth Rawson,The Spartan Tradition in European Thought,Oxford: Clarendon Press,1965,pp. 17,17-18 .
9 列奥·施特劳斯:《关于马基雅维里的思考》,申彤译,译林出版社2003年版,第10页。
10 Elithebath Rawson,The Spartan Tradition in European Thought,p. 131.
11 John Adams,Defense of the Constitution,in Charles Francis Adams,ed.,The Works of John Adams,Second President of the United States,10 vols.,Boston: Little Brown,1851-1856,6:219;4:556-558 .
12 尼尔·波兹曼:《童年的消逝》,吴燕莛译,广西师范大学出版社2011年版,第71—72页。
13 蔡佩娥:《党国体制下的国民教育》,见《由国中小教科书看戒严时期台湾之国族建构——以国语文科和社会类科为分析中心》,第二章,第59页,http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/bitstream/140.119/37188/4/15801204.pdf。
14 Edward J. Power,Educational Philosophy,New York: Garland Publishing,Inc,1996,pp. xi-xii
第三章 从“高贵的罗马人”到帝国的官僚:无所作为的体制内教改